Category Archives: PNG Daily


A few months back, Jeff posted a YouTube video called Little Big Revenge by Seakitten Collective.  It’s been brought to our attention that they made yet another short movie called Cloverbrawl.  It’s a  mash up of video game characters and the movie Cloverfield.  An excellent Monday morning distraction and both parts run roughly 18.5 mins long.  Huge fan of the Silent Hill part.  Enjoy!

Part I

Part II

DDO, more like FREE-DO


While I might be beating a dead horse at this point, I feel that it is only right that I remind you, loyal PNG reader, that today (9-9-09) is the launch of Dungeons and Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited.  If you follow this link, you will be whisked away to a world of adventure and excitement, provided that you can get the installer to work (it only took me 4 tries).  As we’ve mentioned before, for $0 down and $0 a month, there are certainly worse things you can spend your money on.

While I’m here, I would also like to wish the Sega Dreamcast a happy centurial birthday,  and to all you rumor-mongers out there, I don’t see my Dreamcast 2 today.

PNG Daily 8/3/2009: Don’t Call it A Comeback

PNG is blue like candy!
Due to an absurd error on my part, my Gencon article for today is floating out of reach and will have to be posted tomorrow.  This leaves me in a bind as we love to try and give you new content every day during the week.  Enter the always reliable and quick cop out, The PNG Daily!  It’s always there for us in a bind and always puts the toilet seat down.

Hit the jump for some news about ads slowing stealing your game time in Wipeout HD, no friend codes in Guitar Hero 5 for Wii, Square Enix gives us something to look forward to with another countdown timer, why Capcom is giving away Pringles cans, and how you can get your spot in the Hello Kitty Online Beta!
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PNG Daily 7/2/2009: No, We Are Not Bringing Them Back

I really hate puns... but I couldn't pass this up.

Thursday’s original daily posts are in a bit of a flux at the moment, so you’ll have to deal with a more… traditional daily.  We’re not bringing that format back, but it definitely works in a bind.  Jim usually does the Thursday articles, but due to a new addition to his family in the form of a cute little baby boy, he can’t make it to the web right now.  Feel free to publicly send your congratulations to

Now down to business.  Click for news about Fallout 3 discounted on Steam, Battlefield 1943’s release date, Dawn of War 2’s beta patch, TF2 tabletop RPG, and my irrational dislike of Michael Pachter.
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png daily 5/29/09: Outtie 4ever

hopefully this image will be too

Well, pull out your hankies, becasue the “PNG Daily” is dead.  Well… kinda.  In our constant consideration of you, the loving public, we have decided to take a slightly different approach with this website.  While we claim to “rep” both pixel and grid, the staggering amount of daily video game news, and the equally lacking non-video game news, makes it difficult to keep the scales level.  With this in mind, we decided to scrap news all together, but not skimp on the content.  So here’s the new plan:  instead of just giving you the day’s news, we’re going to put up a new article, editorial, review, or just something off the wall on a daily basis.  It might actually be news related, but we’re not going to limit ourselves to that any longer.  We’re hoping to have a regular schedule among the five main authors with some cameo appearences by our other authors sprinkled throughout.  Let us know what you guys think of the change and feel free to shoot us any ideas or suggestions of things you’d like to see from PNG.  Oh, I should mention that this whole thing is kicking off on Monday with a post by James.  What will be in store for you, loyal reader?  …I have no friggen clue.  Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Juuuuust to keep up on one tradition that I enjoy, here’s some free stuff to entertain yourself with over the weekend (because let’s face it, these are tough economic times).  Steam is once again giving you a chance to play Unreal Tournament 3 for zero dollars.  So give yourself 10 minutes and try it out (that should be enough time to die 4832797 times and maybe kill a dude).  Also, as James posted earlier this week, EA has made its PC, card-based RPG, Battle Forge free for all.  There is a limited number of cards you can use, of course, but don’t let that stop you from checking it out.  Also, know what else is free?  Friggen hide-and-go-seek, tag, spot, dodgeball (someone’s gotta have a ball right?), etc, etc.  Basically, what I’m getting at is that if it’s as nice out where you are as it is in Cleveland, why don’t you call some friends, get outside, and play some games out in the sun.  I mean, it’s not like we update on the weekends anyway.  That being said, I better see you back here on Monday.  Yeah you.

PNG Daily 5/27/2009: Pre E3 News Desert

Will you love me now.... please?

The net is dry and cracked with a drought of gaming news today.  As Logan explained in a previous Daily, these are mostly about what we ultimately find entertaining or news worthy so this kind of got my blood pumping.  Being a Zune owner, I gobble up any news I can about my preferred digital music player.  Microsoft has announced the Zune HD.  This bad boy packs an OLED screen, HD radio, a multi-touch touchscreen, and is capable of outputting at 720p with a special docking station.  Oh, and it looks like pure unbridled sex.  You can also expect the Xbox Live Video Marketplace channel to be replaced by video from the Zune Marketplace in the coming future. 

If you’ve been following our podcasts over the past couple of weeks, you’ll have heard our speculation on E3 showings from Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony, and a few third party publishers.  Kotaku has a list of the games Activision has confirmed they will be showing at E3 this year.

So speaking of our podcast, we’d love to hear from you about it.  We’re recording once again tomorrow and we’d love nothing more than to talk about what you want us to.  If you have listened to us, you already know that any subject is fair game (especially horses).  Drop an e-mail to or leave a comment here if you would like us to read it on the cast.  If you do, I can guarantee that we will read it… and send you digital chocolate kisses and marmalade!

Outtie 5k!

PNG Daily 5/26/2009: This Holiday will Make Your Bank Account Cry

Bioshock 2

The fires have died down and the last of the hamburgers has been devoured so that could only mean it’s back to the daily grind here at Pixels and Grids.  One of the biggest bits of news to hit the tubes today is that Bioshock 2 got a release date.  You can expect to lay down $60 of your cold hard cash come November 3rd.  That’s just eight short days sooner than Modern Warfare 2.  Whatever happened to staggering the release of big hits so gamers don’t have to live on ramen for 2 months out of the year?

There’s always good news for frugal PC gamers though.  EA Taste... the future!announced that BattleForge, the electronic CCG real time strategy game, is joining Battlefield: Heroes as a “Play4Free” title.   I really enjoyed the demo of BattleForge, but I couldn’t understand how EA thought it was cool to charge $40 for the game and then make you buy electronic cards for said game to actually be worth playing.  To be honest, I think any game that requires you to pay a monthly fee or require micro-transactions to be enjoyable shouldn’t cost you a dime up front if you download it electronically.  Downloading the “Play4Free” version of the game will grab you 32 free cards to give you a taste of that digital crack.  Getting more cards will eventually cost you your wife, kids, house, and soul.  So what are you waiting for, go grab it here!

Lastly, if you happen to miss the last free weekend of Unreal Tournament 3 for PC via Steam, you’ll be tickled pink to know that there’s another UT 3 free play weekend coming up.  You can pre-load the game now so that you’re ready to play come 10am PST on Thursday, May 28th.

Outtie 5k.

PNG Daily 5/22/2009: T.G.I.F

You see that jar... it's full of pee.  No lies.

On a long weekend and nice weekend, it’s hard for us to encourage you to stay in and play games, but that’s our job here at Pixels and Grids.  Valve has opened up the floodgates for a free weekend of Team Fortress 2.  If you haven’t tried this game out yet, you owe it to yourself to sap somebody’s sentries and fling jars of “Jarate”.  This is just in time to celebrate the new Spy vs Sniper update.  So fire up steam after grabbing a burger or dog from the grill and get your game on this weekend PNG’ers.


png daily 5/21/09:it’s news to me

Capcom actually has a higher body count

As I will inevitably be handling some of the daily posts in the future, it might be helpful to establish some definitions.  Actually, only one defintion really needs to be defined: news.   I believe that “news” is not what is current/interesting, but what I find entertaining.  Bearing that in mind, shall we continue?

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PNG Daily 5/20/2009: If You Play These Games, You Win

And then Predator was all like "Oh no you didn't Alien"... then he stabbed him.

For those of you whose only unfortunate run in with the Aliens VS Predator franchise has been the two sub par movies that have been released, you will soon have your chance to wash that filthy taste out of your mouth.  Sega released some screen shots, details, and a teaser trailer for the next installment of the Aliens VS Predator games.  Hopefully you can play through the entire process of becoming an adult Alien complete with a chest bursting sequence ala Aliens VS Predator 2!

If you were planning on picking up a copy of Terminator Salvation for PC, don’t.  If you’ve already picked one up and have found that it just won’t install, please take a good hard look at your purchasing decisions and then return it as publisher Evolved Games has issued a recall of Terminator Salvation for PC only.  The Xbox 360 and PS3 versions are not affected by the defect that occurred during replication.

Not a whole lot of news today so you get a short and sweet Daily.  We would like to apologize for those that were looking forward to our special “Year of the Schafer” podcast for Monkey Island, but we had to cancel it for now.  Expect it to be done with Monkey Island II’s podcast to be dubbed our official Pirate Cast.